How Often Should I Take Omega-3, 6 And 9?
It is important to know just how often you should take a supplement like omega-3, 6 or 9 to ensure that your body is getting the right about of fatty acids. An improper amount would not be beneficial to the body and could even end up causing adverse effects; triggered by too much omega being consumed. The adverse side effects of over-consuming omega can take their toll on the body and could end up causing you more pain and further health complications. Therefore, knowing how much omega you should be taking as well as how often is important so that you are taking omega with caution and safely; to avoid any adverse side effects. We have recently written a blog post that went through the recommended serving suggestions for omega-3 supplements titled “Should omega-3 be taken daily?” That post focused primarily on the recommended daily dosage of just omega-3 whereas today we will be exploring how often you should take all three of the omega oils; omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9. We will also be exploring how often you should consume omega-rich foods, in case supplements are not for you or you need guidance on whether or not they are needed if your diet is already high in omega. All questions we will be answering right now…
How often should I take omega-3 supplements?
There are no official guidelines or rules regarding how often you should take omega-3 supplements or fish oil, as it is generally advised to focus on how much you consume; to ensure you are taking enough and not too much. For instance, it does depend on your supplier of omega-3 capsules but generally speaking, one capsule is usually made of enough omega-3 fish oil for one daily serving. In some cases, you may be recommended to take two omega-3 capsules per day if they are smaller in size. However, it does come down ore to daily dosage and the number of supplements you take per day will reflect how much in milligrams is needed. It’s typically believed that 250 - 500 milligrams of omega-3 fish oil per day is plenty and ensures a healthy balance of EPA and DHA fatty acids. To clarify, one to two capsules per day (that equates to the recommended serving suggestion based on your age and needs) will be all you need per day. Therefore one to two capsules a day is how often you may need to take omega-3 capsules.
How much omega-3 in food should I consume per day?
A healthy and balanced diet is believed to require you to consume one to two portions of oily fish per week; this could be a portion of salmon, herring or mackerel. One portion of oily fish per week is believed to be a great source of omega-3 fatty acids that are responsible for helping to keep our hearts healthy and functioning healthy (amongst other health benefits). Now, some people believe that eating one or two portions of oily fish per week is giving them enough omega-3 but that might not always be the case; some individuals require more therefore they also supplement additional omega-3 into their daily diet with omega-3 capsules. If you think your diet is lacking in omega-3 from just two weekly portions of oily fish, then additional supplements might be necessary. Although, getting some advice from your doctor is advised to ensure more omega-3 is needed and help you to keep the balance safe.
How often should I take omega-6 supplements?
Even though omega-6 is considered an essential nutrient to add to our diet (due to the body not being able to naturally produce it) that does not mean you need to necessarily take omega-6 supplements! Believe it or not, if you follow a balanced and healthy diet, you are likely to already be consuming several omega-6-rich foods. Otherwise, one supplement a day might be enough to restore the body's balance of omega-6 fatty acids.
Do I need to take omega-6 supplements or is it already in my diet?
You can get omega-6 fatty acids from various vegetable oils, seeds, meats, and poultry. Omega-6 is much ‘easier’ to consume as part of a healthy diet therefore omega-6 supplements might be unnecessary; if you are already consing a balanced amount of these omega-6 foods. You could still benefit from supplementing additional omega-6 if you don’t think your diet consists of enough natural omega-6; the body still needs the fatty acids from omega-6 therefore consuming them safely is still advised. Omega-3 is much harder to consume, for some as it's mainly from oily fish, therefore the most popular omega supplement for daily consumption is typically omega-3 for that reason. Omega-6 supplements are still widely available for those who do not already consume enough naturally from their diet.
How often do I need to take omega-9?
Again, omega-9 is not an essential supplement, but unlike omega-3 and 6 it’s because it's only considered to be particular fatty acids. What's more, unlike omega-3 and 6, it can be made by the body. Therefore consuming omega-9 supplements every day might be unnecessary.
Are there any foods with omega-9 that I can consume instead of supplements?
You can get omega-9 from various vegetable oils, nuts and nut bases oil (similar to omega-6) therefore chances are you are likely to already be consuming an appropriate amount of omega-9 just from your daily diet. You can take additional omega-9 supplements if you have been advised to by your doctor, but chances are the main omega you would likely be advised to supplement (if necessary) is either a combined omega-369 supplement or just an omega-3 supplement.
If you need more information on omega-3,6 or 9, be sure to check out our Health Insider Blog where we have covered the subject in great depth; everything from benefits, doses recommendation and even how they work to improve our overall health. If you need further assistance with a personal query, you can send us a DM on Instagram and we will help with any questions you may have.