How Much Omega-3 6 9 Do I Need Daily?

If you are looking to improve your health and nutrition, then you may have heard about the importance of getting enough omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 fatty acids in your daily diet. All three of these resources of essential fatty acids play key roles in aiding in everything from brain function to heart health. What's more these important fatty acids can be found in not just a variety of foods but also in the form of handy supplements and fish-based oils!
But how much of each type of omega fatty acid do you need? And can you get all of them from just one supplement, or do you need to mix and match different sources? In this blog post, we'll be answering all of your questions surrounding omega-3,6 and 9 which includes analysing their potency in the form of both capsules and liquid-based supplement oils. Specifically, we aim to cover the ideal ratio of omega-3,6, and 9 (fatty acids) whether they can be combined and taken as a single triple omega supplement or whether liquid fish oil is more potent than a combined triple complex.
We will also explore which resource of omega-369 is likely to offer the best balance of all the essential fatty acids comparing that against how much liquid fish oil you might need to take per day to get the same levels of ALA, EPA and DHA fatty acids. So, let's dive in and learn more about these important nutrients!
What is the ideal ratio of omega-3,6 and 9?
Yes, you saw that right, there is an ‘ideal’ ratio when it comes to the amount of omega-369 you consume daily and the reason for this is to ensure that your body is getting enough of what it needs vs what it doesn't need. You may already know, or remember from our previous blog posts on this topic, that omega-3 is the most important source of essential fatty acids that our bodies cannot produce on their own. This is also the same when it comes to the fatty acids that we can get from omega-6; these too cannot be produced naturally inside the body therefore they need to be consumed manually. Whereas consuming additional omega-9 is not always necessary as it can already be present in a healthy, stable diet.
Although to put this into a simplified ratio- the current recommendation (when looking to consume a suitable portion of each omega-3,6 and 9) is 2:1:1. To explain, what this ratio means is that for every two portions of omega-3, only one portion of omega-6 and omega-9 is necessary. Now when we say ‘portion’ this could refer to an oral supplement, a spoonful of (suitable) oil or an omega-rich food source. What’s important to remember here is that omega-3 is recognised as the most important omega to nourish your body with; therefore should be a priority as ALA, EPA and DHA fatty acids can be the hardest to consume yet most important! Omega-3 can come from oily fish as well as many other nuts, seeds and plant-based oils meaning that supplements are not your only option when it comes to boosting those important fatty acids in the body. Although, supplements and even fish oils can ensure you are taking a regular amount daily and help you keep track f your intake.
Is one triple omega supplement a day enough to get all the essential fatty acids?
Even though there are several ways in which a person can consume the recommended daily amount of omega-3,6, and 9; the most popular methods are oil-based supplements, liquid (fish) oils or eating omega-rich foods (like oily fish, nuts, seeds etc.) Although, for convenience, supplements are very popular as not only can they provide a near ‘guaranteed’ amount in mg of omega goodness (per serving) but they can also be taken in little to no time. It’s a food supplement that can be taken on the go with water with little to no effort required; great for time-saving but also ensures your getting a reliable source of all the essential fatty acids. So the question is can one supplement be enough? The short answer here is that one can be enough yes; to ensure that you are getting the right amount of omega-3 (especially) make sure any supplements either focus on or include omega-3. Then if you want to also supplement omega-6 and 9 you can do so; although you may already be consuming these fatty acids from various oils and food sources. You’ll just want to make sure your daily intake is around 250-300 mg per day.
Is liquid fish oil more potent than an omega-369 capsule supplement?
If you are thinking about focusing primarily on your daily intake of just omega-3 then you might be considering a liquid fish-based oil; a great source of EPA and DHA fatty acids! Although when it comes to comparing the ‘potency’ of fish oil vs omega-369 supplements this can vary depending on the concentrate as well as quality and even purity. What you chose to consume to get your daily intake of omega-369 is up to you; high supplements can be beneficial for time saving as well as ensuring a regulated amount whereas eating a balanced and varied diet could also be contributing to healthy omega consumption. Then some people do prefer fish oil; it can be easier to give to younger children who struggle to swallow capsules or those who just prefer a liquid-based alternative. Although, it's important to make sure that you are also getting a viable source of omega-6 and omega-9 in your daily diet through suitable foods or additional supplements if they are deemed necessary.
If you're thinking about taking omega supplements then it’s advised you speak to your doctor so they can help determine the best option for you. Although, if instead of taking supplements or fish oil, you would rather find out more about what foods you could eat to increase your consumption of natural omega fatty acids then we have plenty of posts to help! You can go to our Health Insiders Blog main page and scroll through until you see a specific post you’d like to do some further reading on.