How Does Lion's Mane Make You Feel?

Here on the Health Insiders Blog, we recently uploaded a post that explored all the common misconceptions surrounding lion’s mane mushrooms; whether or not they contained compounds that could alter the mind and body to get you high. That post was able to clear up any confusion about lion’s mane and how it has no psychoactive compounds, therefore, you will not experience any narcotic effects. That being said, lion’s mane mushrooms can still affect your mind but in a very different way. Consuming lion’s mane mushrooms will not get you high but they might make you feel slightly different at first; whether that be improvements to your mood, reduced symptoms of mild anxiety or even clearing up any brain fog to help improve concentration. Lion’s mane is believed to have positive effects on your health, in the ways we have just mentioned, which could contribute to your feeling ‘different’. However, you can feel assured knowing that this species of (fungi) mushroom will not be able to alter your mind or mood like other mushrooms, as lion’s mane mushrooms do not contain Psilocybin! Consuming lion’s mane mushrooms regularly might slightly alter your mood or ability to focus or even make you feel a little calmer but the effects will always be mild. So, how exactly might lion's mane mushroom make you feel?...
Do lion’s mane mushrooms affect mood?
The studies and research surrounding the believed effects that lion’s mane mushrooms can have on our mood are still yet to be scientifically supported (more) but links between them have been made. For instance, lab tests have been able to notice a mild improvement in the symptoms of depression and anxiety concerning regular consumption of lion’s mane mushrooms. Those findings have been able to further support the belief that lion’s mane mushroom supplements can help reduce anxiety and make you feel calmer; both positively affect your mood. So to clarify, yes lion’s mane mushrooms are believed to be able to positively affect your mood as they are said to be able to improve mild symptoms of depression as well as allow you to feel calmer. Both of these positive side effects (benefits) can improve your mood but only on a mild level. What's more, if you do find lion’s mane helpful for you, improving your mood, then you can also feel reassured knowing that unlike prescribed antidepressants they are not going to be addictive or cause you to become dependent on them. Lion’s mane supplements are not addictive, a sedative or a stimulant; so you can take them if you are finding them to help improve or boost your mood without any worries about becoming addicted to them!
Does lion’s mane give you energy?
Simply put, if you take lion’s mane mushroom supplements you might feel an improvement in your energy levels but not as increased as you might notice should you drink caffeine. Lion’s mane mushrooms do NOT contain any caffeine therefore any improvement to your energy levels, should you experience any, would be mild and not too overpowering. Caffeinated drinks like tea and especially coffee are known to give you more energy than lion’s mane but the mushrooms (supplements) can still act as a natural energy booster; mild but effective. If you are looking for a safe, non-addictive and caffeinated source of additional energy then lion’s mane might not be for you; although if you are only looking for a supplement to offer minimal improvement to energy levels as well as mood then lion’s mane could be worth considering. It’s safe for consumption and has no nasty compounds so you can take it with little to no risks of severe side effects!
Can lion’s mane mushrooms make you feel sleepy?
On the flip side, if lion’s mane mushroom supplement can help to mildly improve or boost energy levels then it stands to reason that it’s not going to be able to contribute to you feeling sleepy or tired. So, the answer here, whether lion’s mane mushrooms can make you feel sleepy, would be no they cannot. However, some of the noted benefits of this type of mushroom do include anti-anxiety properties which could improve the quality of your sleep but this is not a guarantee. What's more, the majority of lion’s mane benefits still require further and extensive testing so there is a possibility that could help improve your quality of sleep (if anxiety affects your sleep) but the mushroom itself will not make you sleepy. If you struggle to get a good night's sleep due to anxiety keeping you up or being disturbed, take your lion’s mane supplement before bed to support your winding down time.
Is lion’s mane an antidepressant?
Lion’s mane mushroom extracts and supplements are yet to be recognised on a scientific (therefore professional) scale as an antidepressant that can work the same or similar to a prescribed antidepressant medication. Even though it’s not, yet, on the same level as a prescribed antidepressant, lion’s mane mushrooms and extracts have still been able to help on a more mild scale. For instance, research has been able to distinguish that lion’s mane may be able to help reduce mild symptoms of anxiety and depression as well as help repair nerve damage. Therefore you could say that lion’s mane is in a bit of a grey area, as it currently stands, as it’s not yet widely recognised as an antidepressant even though research has been able to create links between mood improvement and lion’s mane. If you are looking into a lion’s mane supplement for a non-addictive antidepressant then it’s advised that you speak to your GP or doctor first to ensure your chosen supplement will be effective based on your needs.
That’s it for today’s post. We hope you find today's post about Lions Mane helpful; should you need further assistance, check out our Health Insider Blog where we have covered the subject previously here on our blog. Alternatively, you can also send us a DM on Instagram and we will help with any questions you may need further clarity on.