Can I Take Collagen While Breastfeeding?

Can I Take Collagen While Breastfeeding?

Is it safe to take collagen whilst breastfeeding?

Yes, currently there are no known issues when taking peptide collagen (aside from marine collagen) during pregnancy and whilst breastfeeding your baby, but we do recommend that you seek medical advice before taking any new supplements.

Why should I take collagen whilst breastfeeding?

There are many benefits to taking collagen, but here are a few of our favourite reasons as to why you should be adding a daily dose of collagen to your routine:

  • It encourages skin elasticity. Healthy, hydrated, elastic skin will fare better throughout and after pregnancy. It has been reported that some users of collagen supplements benefitted from a rapid recovery post-birth compared to their previous births, and some have also reported no stretch marks and minimal loose skin post-pregnancy which is just amazing. All women are different, but you can't go wrong by boosting your natural collagen production with a collagen supplement!
  • It has digestive benefits. collagen is comprised of a large amount of amino acids, some of which can seal and cure the gut lining.
  • Collagen helps to strengthen our joints and ligaments to help your body carry your new, physically demanding but very precious load! Once baby is born, healthy joints will help you carry your baby - and baby bag - around constantly. Caring for a baby is physical work, and plenty of mums suffer with sore necks, backs, and arms. Collagen can help with muscle pain and injury.
  • Peptide collagen supplements are dreamy for the skin. Facial skin can undergo considerable changes too - think extra pigmentation, breakouts, and even texture changes. Many facial treatments and products are unsafe during pregnancy (think Botox, retinol use, fillers etc.), so for those who want to look after their skin safely, collagen acts as a great stand in for some beauty treatments!
  • During pregnancy, some women experience hair growth, but postpartum hair loss and the change in your hairs condition can come as a shock and potentially occurs even months after your baby is born. Taking collagen can encourage new hair growth and healthy, stronger, glossier hair!

Will taking Collagen affect my milk supply whilst breastfeeding?

There has been no known reports of lowered lactation levels whilst taking collagen and breastfeeding. If anything, adding collagen to your diet will increase your milk supply as it is high in protein. Protein is an essential macronutrient that women need in order to produce breast milk, so collagen is a fabulous way to increase the amount of protein you consume! As our hydrolysed collagen powder is highly soluble, you can mix it with pretty much all hot and cold beverages and foods which is great as you may be a little shorter on time once your new baby is here!