Do Probiotics Help Bacterial Vag?

Do Probiotics Help Bacterial Vag?

Bacterial vaginosis is a common vaginal infection that 30% of sexually active women suffer from daily. You’ll find that at times it can reoccur and be difficult to treat, this will often result in many using the wrong products resulting in the symptoms to worsen over time.

What is bacterial vaginosis?

  • Common infection which often causes unusual vaginal discharge.
  • Caused by an imbalance of good and bad bacteria in the vaginal flora.
  • Often mistaken as a sexually transmitted disease but can actually increase the risk of you getting an STI.
  • Many notice a change in colour and consistency in their discharge, especially after sexual intercourse.
  • The changes in discharge can look like a grey-white consistency that is watery and smells unpleasant and fish like.
  • Over 50% of women suffering from BV will show no signs.
  • There are many causes of BV, such as, having unprotected sex, using harsh and fragranced soaps and shower gels, using douches, and having multiple sexual partners.
  • Generally, not considered dangerous but can be slightly embarrassing and can have a negative impact in the rest of your health.
  • If you have any concerns or symptoms, seek the advice of your GP, or visit a family planning clinic to find the best form of treatment.

The most common medication for treating BV is usually antibiotics, these work effectively to alleviate the problem, but doesn’t prevent BV from reoccurring. This is when probiotics step in to help. You’ll often find that antibiotics will cause a widespread cull of all bacteria, even the good ones you need to keep you, your body, and your gut healthy. Because of this, you’ll find it may take some time for the gut’s flora to rebalance and for you to see an improvement in your health and your general wellbeing. Probiotics support the growth of the good bacteria and are suitable to consume for a longer amount of time compared to a short course of antibiotics.

Now we have covered BV and a little about the benefits of probiotics, let’s investigate further and explore today’s bog post of, do probiotics help bacterial vag?

Which probiotics are best for BV?

Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14 are two probiotics used to help clear bacterial vaginosis. The reason probiotics are a great alternative to treating BV is because they are gentle and support the gut’s flora, keeping the pH levels balanced and healthy. Probiotics are live microorganisms that work in a similar way to the good bacteria naturally found in the body and gut. Other reasons to take probiotics for intimate health are;

  • To help maintain good vaginal health.
  • To reduce the symptoms of infections and other vaginal issues.
  • Helps to prevent the reoccurring problems, such as thrush, yeast infections or BV.
  • To ensure there is a healthy balance of good and bad bacteria in the vagina’s flora.

To find the best probiotics to help with any concerns you have with vaginal infections or similar issues, check the packaging to look for the two strains of probiotics I have suggested as all blends of probiotics are different so always ensure you have Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14 in the formulation.

Can probiotics heal BV?

Yes, there are multiple studies showing how effective probiotics are at treating BV. Although the most common treatment for BV is to use antibiotics, this won’t prevent any problems from returning. You may also find that some symptoms of bacterial vaginosis will self-resolve itself, however this doesn’t mean the problem is completely gone, and may be laying dormant.

By taking probiotics daily, you’ll ensure the balance of the pH levels in the gut and vagina will remain healthy. You’ll also find that you are preventing the risk of you developing an infection. Having said that, you may want to remain mindful about avoiding any potential risks, such as having unprotected sex with a new or multiple partners, recently using antibiotics, smoking, or using a vaginal douche. By limiting your exposure to these risk factors, you will help the probiotics from delivering their optimal results.

How long does it take for probiotics to cure BV?

You’ll find that it takes 30 days for probiotics to effectively cure BV for almost 90% of women. You’ll find that probiotics come in a course of 30 days in their packaging so remember to make a note of the date you started your probiotics until you have finished them, this will help you determine if you’ve seen any improvements or need to wait longer. Taking probiotics in capsule form has been proven to have the best results, but you can also find probiotics in yoghurt drinks, yoghurts, foods, and liquid form. 

Do probiotics help with VAG?

Yes, many believe that probiotics help with maintaining the health of your vagina. This is because of their ability to support the growth of good bacteria and rebalance the pH levels of the vagina, this is something that can become imbalanced easily. Many women take probiotics for two main reasons,

  • Bacterial yeast infections- this is a result of a fungus called candida that lives in harmony with the microorganisms living in the vaginal flora. When there is an imbalance or infection, candida can overtake the intimate balance of bacteria resulting in itching, burning, and a discharge that looks like cottage cheese.
  • Bacterial vaginosis- common for those of childbearing age, bacterial vaginosis is an imbalance of bacteria resulting in unusual discharge, and an unpleasant fishy smell.

Apart from these two most common reasons, other find that taking probiotics for their intimate health helps reduce bloating, maintain an everyday healthy vaginal flora, and a notable ease from the discomfort of menstrual cramping.

Much like all health supplements and probiotics, it is important to check with your GP that introducing anything new into your routine will deliver beneficial results. There you have a little more information about probiotics and helping to treat bacterial vaginosis. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of our health experts if you have any further questions, you’ll find us on Instagram.