How do I take women's probiotics?
How can probiotics for women be taken?
Probiotic supplements that are specifically for women’s health can be taken in either liquid, suppository tablet or a capsule form. How you decide to take your probiotic is up to you and dependent on what best suits your needs. Our Vitaflora probiotic is taken in capsule form once a day.
What is the best time of day to take women’s probiotics?
Different studies suggest different times as to when is best to take a women’s probiotic. Ultimately, the time of day you choose to take your probiotic supplement is entirely up to you as now more than ever, our daily routines and lifestyles tend to vary by each individual.
Some suggest that taking a probiotic supplement first thing in the morning on an empty stomach before you have eaten anything as the acidity level in your stomach will be low. Acidity levels are stimulated by food so as an example, if you were to have breakfast or a coffee before taking your probiotic the acidity level will be considerably higher.
There has also been some research on timing around when to take Lactobacillus, which is one of the key “good” bacteria’s when it comes to treating BV (bacterial vaginosis). Research suggests that the best time of day to take a Lactobacillus supplement was 30 minutes before a meal.
Should I take a women’s probiotic supplement daily?
Yes, you most definitely should take your probiotic supplement daily if it states that you should do so – you should always check the label on the supplement for the recommended daily dose. It is perfectly safe for you to take probiotics on a daily basis. We suggest that you take one Vitaflora capsule a day to achieve maximum results from our probiotic supplement.
Can you overdose on women’s probiotic supplements?
No, you cannot overdose on women’s probiotics to the point where it is dangerous. However, taking over the recommended dosage of the probiotic supplement you are taking can potentially cause side effects such as bloating, gas and some mild stomach discomfort. Another concern that some have is that if you take a supplement on a daily basis, our systems will become reliant on them, but rest assure, probiotics do not work in this way and there is currently no research that suggests our bodies can become dependent on them.
Are there any side effects to taking women’s probiotics?
No, upon research there have been no dangerous side effects recorded from taking probiotics for women. Probiotic foods and supplements are considered as generally safe. As we mentioned above, some experience minor symptoms such as bloating, a little more gas than normal and the occasional stomach discomfort. If you do experience any of these, they tend to subside and ease after a few days. However, if you suffer with any other symptoms or the above do not disappear, it is recommended that you seek medical advice from a trained professional or your Doctor.
There are certain people who should be cautious when it comes to consuming a probiotic supplement. There is also a potential risk of infection to some people, these people include those who may have a weakened immune system (for example, being treated with chemotherapy), are recovering from a critical illness or have recently had surgery. It is also worth considering that some probiotics may contain dairy – if you suffer with a dairy allergy or intolerance.
Before taking a probiotic supplement, we suggest you speak with a medical professional before adding it into your daily routine. Should your symptoms worsen or continue once you have taken a course of probiotics, we also recommend you speak to your doctor for further treatment and investigation if required.