How Do Women’s Probiotics Help?

It feels as though everyone you know is taking probiotics, it’s easier now than ever before to include them into your day-to-day lifestyle. Whilst the jury is still out when it comes to understanding how effective probiotics are for your overall health and wellbeing. When it comes to women’s probiotics, although there is still a lot to discover, the results are certainly speaking volumes.
So, with this in mind, today we will be taking a closer look into how women’s probiotics help and what you can expect to see when introducing them into your routine.
What happens when you start taking probiotics?
When probiotics are first introduced into your daily routine there are a few minor side effects you can experience. This can range from bloating, gas, diarrhea, and painful stomach cramps. Remember that these are all quite normal, it is just a result of your gut reacting to the change in bacteria. All these side effects should subside in a matter of days or weeks once there is a balance in the microbiome of the gut.
If you find that these side effects worsen or show no signs of subsiding, you must stop taking your probiotics and should seek the help from your doctor.
What is the best probiotics for a woman?
With the popularity of probiotics skyrocketing in recent years you’ll find that a majority of which are products developed to help with women’s health. Although you can obtain an effective number of good bacteria from probiotic enriched foods, such as yoghurts and kefir, opting for a probiotic supplement will ensure the beneficial microorganisms reach the gut alive and get to work rapidly.
With supplement formulations you’ll find there is a vast amount of options available for you to choose from. Generally speaking, you should find a probiotic product that contains the highest number of live cultures with the best strain of bacteria that will target any concerns you may have. Some of the most successful and researched strains of bacteria found to benefit gynaecological concerns are, Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and Saccharomyces. Following the advice of your GP will ensure you find the best strain for you that will deliver the most effective and rapid results.
How long does it take for women’s probiotics to work?
If you are introducing probiotics into your daily routine for the first time you need to consistently take them for 3-4 weeks. That doesn’t mean you won’t see any results sooner, but there is still some research lacking when it comes to having a full understanding of how successful probiotics are. Having said that, two of the most used strains are both in fact considered the most effective at targeting vaginal infections and restore balance. There are also some helpful ways of ensuring that any probiotic trail you undergo will result in the optimal benefits. Here are some guidelines to consider before starting your probiotic trail.
- Find the best strain for you
With so many options available, finding the best strain of probiotic for your needs can feel overwhelming. With each strain working in similar ways, you will still benefit from whichever probiotic you choose, the only downside is the fact that they won’t target the concerns you were hoping for. As already mentioned for the best results when it comes to vaginal infections, your best bet are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, just ensure you have been given the green light by a medical professional before using them.
- Select the highest standard you can find
The more expensive a probiotic product is does not mean they are the best quality. Take your time when deciding which brand to trial as you may find that many are unable to meet the claims stated on the packaging. For the best performing probiotic product opt for a mid-price range with proven scientific research that contain the correct levels of good bacteria.
Should I take probiotics in the morning or at night?
Probiotics should be taken on an empty stomach, this generally means that taking them in the morning makes it easier for you to include them into your daily routine. But this doesn’t mean you need to panic if you’ve missed your opportunity in the morning. Probiotics are still considered effective if taken in the evening before bed as long as you haven’t eaten in the previous 3 hours.
Can probiotics make you gain weight?
Yes, there are some strains of probiotics that have shown a connection to weight gain, however not all strains have these effects. For many users who follow a high calorie diet have found taking certain probiotics prevent weight gain with further studies being carried out. If you have any concerns its best to not introduce probiotics into your routine without the guidance of a medical professional.
Is apple cider vinegar a probiotic?
No, apple cider vinegar is not considered a probiotic. It is understandable why this can feel confusing as the bacteria in the vinegar are live or raw which is like probiotics. However, due to the high acidic levels in apple cider vinegar it can disrupt how effective your probiotics can deliver results. To avoid any unwanted side effects, take each product separately with enough time in between to be safe.
How long do probiotics stay in your system?
Although the good bacteria found in probiotics are naturally occurring in the body, you may be surprised to find the results are in fact short lived. This is due to the fact that our gut microbiome is constantly encountering exposure to different factors that can cause imbalance. From processed food to everyday life creating stress on the gut it is considered best to keep taking probiotic supplements to reap the rewards. If you find you are wanting a break, you will find that the gut returns to its pre-probiotic state in about 2-3 short weeks and concerns you previously had been likely to return.
So, there you have a little more information about women’s probiotics and how they help. Don’t forget to come and follow us over on Instagram for more!