How Long Does It Take for Probiotics to Work?
Ok, you’ve taken the plunge and are giving probiotics a go! Firstly, I must congratulate you as this is a great step towards improving your gut health. Secondly, I understand it’s all about the results and you’re wanting to know and when you can expect to see them.
There are an estimated 300 trillion bacteria living in your bodies, a majority of which is in our gut. By introducing probiotics in your daily routine, you are ensuring that these bacteria are basically behaving themselves. This is because probiotics are actually a blend of good bacteria that will benefit the gut to remain in its healthiest state. Remembering of course, that your gut is your second brain and can have a huge impact on the body and your skin so keeping it healthy is of upmost importance.
So, let’s get stuck in and together find out more about how long it takes for probiotics to work.
What to expect when taking probiotics for the first time?
There are a huge number of benefits you can expect to see when taking probiotics. Some of which may even surprise you. Here are some of the main ones.
- Improved digestion- the results of probiotics on the digestive health are extremely impressive. Not only does it ensure the gut is functioning correctly, but you’ll also find it is able to combat conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea and other common digestive disorders.
- Maintaining a healthy weight- although there is still some research to be carried out, it is believed that probiotics are beneficial for maintaining a healthy weight. For those who suffer with obesity taking probiotics could in fact aid weight loss.
- Skin health- you can benefit your skin health because of research showing how probiotics can help reduce flare-ups in acne, rosacea, and eczema.
- Improved immunity- there are several strains of probiotics that are praised for improving your immunity, from combating infection to beating the common cold.
This is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the vast benefits of probiotics. These results may vary for some, but on the whole you can expect to see a general overall improvement on how you and your body feels.
How do you know if a probiotic is working?
When you are taking a supplement that is packed with a variety of strains of probiotics it won’t take long for you to see positive changes rapidly. You’ll feel more energised, your skin will look clearer and overall, you’ll feel in a more positive mood. But that’s not all, the main benefit of probiotics is how they are able to rebalance the gut’s microbiome. This is something that can be easily disrupted resulting in bloating and discomfort. By protecting the gut’s flora, you are strengthening your body from the inside out preventing toxins to cause damage. You’ll find that when you gut is at its healthiest state and functioning correctly as you, yourself will feel generally happier and healthier. Your immunity will be improved enabling you to combat feeling unwell, your bowel movements will be regular and normal and signs of bloating and discomfort in the abdomen is a thing of the past.
What are the side effects of too many probiotics?
You can have too much of a good thing, although taking too many probiotics won’t result in anything fatal, you can be left with a lot of discomfort. This can be either, excessive gas, bloating and nausea. There are some rare cases of side effects that become highly serious as this is a result of those with any serious illnesses or weakened immune systems. If you have any conditions previously mentioned, it is very important to consult with a doctor or medical professional before you introduce probiotics into your daily routine.
Should I take probiotics on an empty stomach?
Yes, it is thought that taking probiotics on an empty stomach is the most effective way of ensuring all the good strains of bacteria reach the gut as rapidly as possible. To the reap the rewards, why not try taking your probiotics either first thing in the morning, before your breakfast, or last thing at night before heading to bed.
Should I take probiotics every day?
The short answer is yes, if the supplement is meant to be taken on a daily basis. There are a few exceptions, but it is a good idea to take probiotics every day. Although they often come in capsule form, probiotics contain natural ingredients and good bacteria. When you make the decision to introduce probiotics into your daily routine it should be for long term results and not a short-term fix.
Although there are many fermented foods available, such as sauerkraut, that contain an abundance of live cultures that are able to provide the same benefits as probiotics, many feel that you gain the optimal results with a probiotic capsule.
How long should you take probiotics?
There is currently no definitive time in which you should take probiotics, having said that there is no evidence to demonstrate that probiotics can cause you any harm. For major concerns such as gastro-intestinal problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome, probiotics are generally considered the best supplement to maintain the health and balance of the gut’s microbiome. This leads to probiotics being recognised as a long-term treatment with minimal side effects and unwanted reactions. If you and your gut are happy with your choice of probiotics, then continue to use them whilst ensuring you monitor how effective they are. If you have any worries or concerns, stop taking the probiotics and seek the help from a medical professional.
Do probiotics detox the body?
In a way, yes, they do! This is because introducing a vast number of good bacteria into the gut you are increasing how effective the gut flora is able to function. With the gut’s microbiome functioning at the best of its ability you will find the body is detoxified as well as being able to absorb nutrients quickly and effectively.
So, I hope that this has answered some of your questions about how long it takes for probiotics to work. Don’t forget to check out our other dedicated blog posts about probiotics.