How Much Turmeric A Day?
There’s more to this ancient spice then giving your cooking an exotic flare. It has been understood for hundreds of years that this yellow superfood offers anti-inflammatory benefits and helps to relieve pain, but that's not all. There are also several other benefits you can expect to see when introducing turmeric into your daily routine.
- Helps to boost your immune system
- Fights against cancer
- Reduces stress and its effects on the body
- Potent anti-depressant
- Packed with antioxidants helping protect the skin and body
- Helps to prevent Alzheimer’s
- Can lower the risk of heart disease
You’ll find that the main active ingredient found in turmeric is curcumin, which basically acts the same as an inflammation blocker and can counteract any inflammations, from skin concerns to fatigue. Its popularity in recent years has skyrocketed with this potent powerhouse available in a variety of products, many of which preferring to take supplements or drink teas containing the most effective amount of turmeric.
This leads me to the question that we hope to answer in today’s blog post, how much turmeric a day? This really is something that can feel a little puzzling, but not to worry, all of these will be answered, so let’s get stuck in.
What is a safe amount of turmeric to take daily?
With several scientific studies showing how the optimal dosage would equivalate to 500-2,000 mg of turmeric per day, but you can expect to find more naturally occurring in foods. Having said that, you will find that a curcumin extract will contain a higher percentage compared to the actual spice.
Though there are no proven results, the following are still undergoing studies to determine the effectiveness of turmeric, here are some examples of the best amount to take to help combat specific.
- High Cholesterol- 700mg of turmeric twice a day for 3 months
- Itchy Skin- 500mg of turmeric three times a day for 2 months
There you have just a couple examples of the best amount to use of turmeric. If you are wanting to use it for any of concern, I would suggest consulting with your doctor. This will help you get a better understanding of whether turmeric is the best extract for you.
Is one teaspoon of turmeric a day enough?
Yes, it is thought that ½ to 1.5 teaspoons of dried turmeric powder is an effective amount to take on a daily basis. You’ll also find that many prefer to take their turmeric supplements in the form of a capsule containing roughly 400mg to 600mg of turmeric and curcumin extracts is the most effective way of reaping the rewards of the spice. You may also find quite often that these supplement blends are paired with black pepper to help with absorption.
Is it safe to take turmeric every day?
This is not entirely known, whilst small doses of turmeric are perfectly safe to take every day, the long-term results are still technically unknown. As for supplements the concentration of turmeric are significantly higher and can also be more potent if there are extracts of curcumin combined within the blend. Often reaching up to 400mg of curcuminoids teamed with 0.5g of turmeric can sometimes become too much for users and require some reconsideration. As I have already mentioned, it is best to consult with a doctor to find out more about using turmeric in your daily routine.
Can you have too much turmeric?
Yes, you really can have too much of a good thing. Turmeric has a well-established history of being used in hundreds of various ways. From health benefits to traditional medicine, turmeric is undoubtably one powerful extract. Although it is considered safe to consume large doses of turmeric and curcumin extracts can lead become dangerous, here are some of the mild side effects that can occur.
- Upset stomach
- Stomach cramps
- Acid reflux
- Diarrhea
- Dizziness
- Headaches
There are also several more severe side effects, that we will cover later in today’s blog post.
What is the best way of taking turmeric?
It is considered by many that the most effective way of taking turmeric is with a liquid. By this included into a juice shot or blended into a drink of your choice. This is because the body according to various studies absorbs in 4 minutes and uses 98% of extracts found in liquids compared to 54% found in capsules and supplements whilst taking 20 to 30 minutes to breakdown.
Whichever way you decide is the best way for you, what you must remember is that you’re still helping the body. The only thing you need to remain mindful of how difficult it can be to manage how much turmeric the body is getting due to you taking daily supplements as well as your diet. If you ever have any concerns, seek the help from a medical professional.
What are the negative effects of turmeric?
I have already mentioned the mild negative effects of turmeric, now I’m going to share with you the more severe negative effects that can come from taking turmeric.
- Can cause kidney stones- By consuming large amounts of turmeric supplements you will increase the levels of urinary oxalate which are the main cause of kidney stones forming.
- Will thin the blood- Turmeric is known as acting as a blood thinner so must be avoided by those with bleeding disorders.
- Can interfere with medications- Turmeric has been known to have a negative impact when teamed with antidepressants, antibiotics, and chemotherapy. It can also affect those with diabetes as it can cause the blood sugar levels to drop very low.
- Can prevent iron supplements from working- Iron finds it difficult to absorb into the body when turmeric is present. Avoid taking turmeric completely if you have to take a daily iron supplement.
As I have mentioned a couple of times, if you ever have any worries or doubts about using turmeric in your daily routine, seek the advice of a doctor or medical professional for peace of mind. If you have any other questions, you can come and follow over on Instagram for more advice.