What Are 3 Important Things for Bone Health?

We all understand that bones play a vital and essential role in our body. Not only do they provide structure, but they also protect our organs from damage and store calcium. Maintaining good bone health is something that requires a lifetime commitment, although quite often you’ll find once we reach an age older than adolescence, we seem to bypass our bone health for other concerns, until, of course, we reach old age.
So, why is bone health so important and what can we do to ensure our bones remain healthy for the longest amount possible. Today we are going to investigate the 3 important things for bone health. So, stick around, if you fancy finding out more about bone health.
Our bones are always changing, many of us are unaware of how when old bones begin to break down, new bones are made. This affects our bone mass which can reach its peak once we are 30 and older. The cycle of bone remodelling continues, the only difference is once we age, less new bone is made compared to how much breaks.
It isn’t just ageing that can affect your bone health, here are some examples of more factors that can contribute to poor bone health.
- The amount of calcium in your diet- A diet that doesn’t contain the right amount of calcium can result in bone density weakening which can lead to an increased risk of fractures.
- Tabaco and excessive alcohol- Regularly having more than one alcoholic drink every day as well as smoking regularly can contribute to weakened bones and risk of osteoporosis.
- Physical activity- Remaining physically active will decrease the risk of developing osteoporosis and weakened bone density.
- Your size- If you have a naturally slim and small frame or physic, you are more likely to have less bone mass which can result in your bones being weaker and more likely to break.
There you have some examples of the factors that can have a negative impact to the health of your bones. We can now move on to finding out about keeping your bones healthy.
Is water good for bones?
Yes, water is amazing for bones, over a quarter of the bone’s weight is made up of water, with the rest taken up by calcium and collagen. Ensuring you drink enough water will keep your bones healthy and improve the density. You will also find that when the bones have the correct amount of hydration will also lead to the correct amount of nutrients are able to absorb effectively into the pores. Drinking enough water will also keep the joints lubricated which is important for preventing injuries, fractures, and conditions, such as osteoporosis.
As effective and important hydration is for maintain good bone health, it is only one of the important factors that contribute. We’ll now share with you the other factors you must consider when looking after your bones.
What is the most important nutrient for bone growth?
Calcium is thought to be the most important nutrient for bone growth. It is essential to include plenty of calcium in your diet. From the ages of 19 to 50 the recommended amount is 1,000mg of calcium per day. This needs to be increased to 1,200mg per day between the ages of 51-80.
Vitamin D also plays a vital role as it is essential to have enough vitamin D for the body to absorb calcium. There is a large variety of vitamin D supplements available to use in your everyday routine, having said that, there are also some food and drink rich in vitamin D, such as oily fish, like salmon, trout, and tuna. Other foods, such as, mushrooms, eggs, cereals, and milk are also a good source of vitamin D. Remembering to remain active with regular exercise and activity outside will give the body a chance to absorb enough vitamin D from sunlight too, just ensure you keep the skin protected with a daily SPF of 30 and above.
Are bones alive or dead?
Bones that are in the body are very much alive. They not only keep the structure of the body, ensure we aren’t just blobs of skin and organs on the floor, but also help with the contribution of nutrient absorbed into the body and form blood cells.
As I have already mentioned, they are continuously changing growing new bones and to replace old ones whilst increasing mass. Having said they are alive; this doesn’t mean they are able to survive single handily but are instead a vital part of the structure of our bodies.
What is the importance of keeping the bones and muscles healthy?
Ensuring you maintain a healthy, balanced diet with regular exercise will help support your bones and muscles. There are a number of evidence to show how being physical active can strengthen your muscles and keep your bones healthy. Once you have strong, and healthy bones and muscles you will find yourself protected against injury as well as less problems with joint stiffness and improved flexibility. This is something that requires a lot of focus once we have reached a certain age, as I have already described how the production of new bone cycle changes, meaning less new bones are formed.
Is milk good for bones and teeth?
Yes, it is, historically, milk and dairy have held the crown of providing the best source of calcium for bone health and strong teeth. As time has moved on, there has been several research carried out to determine how there are other sources of calcium as well as effective daily supplements. For those who follow a vegan diet may find instead of milk, they are able to gain their source of calcium from green leafy vegetables, such as curly kale, and okra. Interestingly, spinach also contains high amounts of calcium, but our body is unable to digest it fully. You can also obtain calcium from, oily fish, certain breads, and soya drinks.
There you have a little more information about 3 important things for bone health, remember, if you have any questions, come, and follow us on Instagram for more! You’ll find one of experts in the direct messages.