What Are The Signs That You Need A Probiotic?

What Are The Signs That You Need A Probiotic?

If you have been experiencing a recent decline in your gut health which includes suffering from symptoms of pain and discomfort that have been slowly getting more prominent; then this could be a sign that you require more probiotic bacteria. The body needs a regular and reliable source of ‘good’ bacteria to ensure that the body is well-regulated and healthy. Not to mention the importance of keeping ‘harmful’ bacteria neutralised to avoid serious health complications if unstable. If you are enduring abdominal pain, discomfort or bowel obstructions, these might be the body's way of signalling a deficiency in ‘good’ probiotic bacteria. 

What is a probiotic deficiency? 

Probiotics are essential for the body to ensure that they keep in check ‘harmful’ bacteria in your microbiome from being overbearing inside the body. The job of a probiotic is to ensure the bacteria in well-balanced however in situations where there is a probiotic deficiency; the harmful microbes can cause many issues to our health. These can then create microorganisms that can include yeast and fungus, which are ‘harmful’ bacteria. 

What are the symptoms of a probiotic deficiency? 

When the body is suffering from a balanced amount of ‘good’ bacteria, this means the ‘bad’ bacteria is likely to be thriving which can affect our body's autoimmunity in many ways. Below we have listed several symptoms that are signs of your gut bacterial being very imbalances; thus putting you at risk of developing several problems:

  • Abdominal pain, bowel obstructions, excessive bloating and gas.
  • Chronic fatigue, constant tiredness, trouble sleeping including sleep disturbances.
  • IBS, constipation, diarrhoea
  • Heartburn or acid reflux 
  • Disturbances to your mood: possibilities of depression and anxiety increased
  • Memory, cognitive dysfunction and brain fog.

If you are experiencing a number of these symptoms then they might very well be a direct cause of a lack of stable bacteria inside the body; a probiotic deficiency is very serious and should always be investigated further as well as managed efficiently to avoid a decline in your overall health. 

What are the three best probiotics to help rebalance a deficiency? 

With so many probiotics on the market, it can be difficult to know which types are going to be the most beneficial as well as suitable to help rebalance a deficiency. Therefore we wanted to be able to help you by sharing the top three types of probiotics that you might want to look out for when shopping for a suitable probiotic supplement to help boost your bacteria intake… 

  1. Lactobacilli Bacteria Probiotics contain one or more bacterial strains from the Lactobacillus species, as these probiotics can have the most diverse benefits. 
  2. Bifidobacteria Probiotics that contain one or more strains from Bifidobacterium species can help improve digestive performance as well as starving off harmful bacteria inside the body. 
  3. Streptococcus Thermophilus Probiotics can aid in the process of breaking down food, absorbing nutrients and fighting off ‘harmful’ bacteria that could cause disease in the body.  

You will be able to find probiotic supplements, on the market, that all contain various of the above probiotic bacteria strains and species. Here at Wellgard, our probiotics are made from the number one bacteria strain, which is Lactobacilli! You can shop our range of probiotics using the following link; where we have (in stock) probiotics catered towards aiding in gut health called VITAGUT. As well as a women's- formulated probiotic to support intimate health called VITAFLORA.

What symptoms can high-quality probiotics treat? 

The symptoms you might be experiencing from a lack of probiotics or ‘good’ bacteria in the body can be causing you significant pain and discomfort. These symptoms could be directly caused by your gut health being unstabilized and therefore unbalanced with more ‘harmful’ bacteria than ‘good’ bacteria. However, a high-quality probiotic can help treat the symptoms you may be expiring as a direct cause of a deficiency in ‘friendly’ bacteria. Those symptoms that probiotics can treat include the following: 

  • Irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease - By neutralising ‘harmful’ bacteria that could have been causing an obstruction to your bowels linked to poor gut health.  
  • Diarrhoea - (caused by antibiotics or Clostridioides) probiotics can help prevent and treat c.difficile-related diarrhoea by restoring natural bacteria into the gut.
  • Constipation - A common symptom for people with a probiotic deficiency when gut bacteria are unstable. Probiotics are needed to keep the bacteria balanced and healthy

Pain, discomfort, constipation and bowel obstructions are several common symptoms that can arise when the gut is not balanced with stable and ‘good’ bacteria. All of these symptoms can stem from poor gut health, which is why keeping your probiotics intake balanced and regular. You can opt to take probiotic supplements or eat probiotic-rich foods to help keep your intake of probiotic bacteria high and regular.

Can probiotic-rich foods help replenish probiotic deficiency? 

Probiotic and prebiotic foods can help to increase your daily intake of essential bacteria to help combat a probiotic deficiency. We have published several blog posts that have focused on the benefits of probiotic foods as well as listed many examples of specific foods and beverages high in probiotics. The following foods can be very beneficial to help replenish probiotic deficiency: 

  • Fermented foods like Kimchi, Kefir, and Sauerkraut 
  • Probiotic Yoghurts (that contain lactobacillus bacteria) 
  • Bananas, watermelon fruit and even apple contain probiotics and Lactobacillus bacteria 

We will include a link to a blog post focused entirely on probiotic foods and those high in Lactobacillus bacteria; to help boost your probiotic intake naturally. Our blog post titled: What foods are high in Lactobacillus Bacteria explores several probiotic-rich foods that you might already have at home all to help replenish your body with more ‘good’ bacteria! 

We will continue our focus on probiotics over the next couple of posts, so keep an eye on our blog to ensure you don't miss a single post. We will be going into more depth on how to know probiotics are working as well as uncovering any side effects from taking probiotics. If you have a personal question, relating to today's topic, that you would like further assistance on then you can DM our team on Instagram. We will get back to you as soon as we can!