What Happens When You Stop Taking Collagen Supplements?

When you have been taking any supplement for an extended period, regularly, it is important to know what could happen after you stop taking them; whether slowly weaned off or immediately stopped. Side effects may not always occur but it is always advised to do your research so you know what to expect, if anything, should you decide to stop taking any supplements after a while. Collagen is a very safe supplement but there are still things you should be aware of if you are thinking about reducing or stopping your collagen intake…
What happens when you stop taking collagen?
If you decided to stop taking collagen, for whatever reason, then you can feel rest assured knowing that there are no known side effects to stopping your collagen supplements. The reason behind taking any supplement, including collagen, is to pump healthy nutrients into the body that may be lacking to create or maintain its proteins or nutrients.
For instance, collagen powder is a popular supplement to help add essential amino acids back into the body that can be harder for our body to naturally produce as we age. The health benefits of collagen also relate to skin maintenance as collagen is a naturally occurring protein in the body that supports our skin, hair and nails. When we go through adulthood, our natural collagen levels decrease and the reproduction of collagen can stop; that's another reason why people like to include collagen in their daily routine. It can help restore and boost essential proteins in the body, to help their health, wellness and even appearance long term.
Therefore, with all of these benefits linked to collagen, you can expect the health benefits to slowly fade if you decide that collagen is no longer for you or you wish to stop taking it. Now, you may not be able to notice any visible difference and depending on how long you took collagen supplements (short period) you may not experience any retraction.
That’s why it is important to remember that with any supplement you take; if you stop taking it you will potentially have any of the health benefits slowly fade over time. This can happen with all kinds of supplements on the market; there is always a chance of the benefits fading away should you stop taking them.
Should collagen be taken forever?
Collagen is known to be safe to take for an extended period, so long as you stick to the recommended daily dosage and always seek out any medical advice if you experience any persistent side effects like bloating or stomach aches. We have said before that even though collagen is a natural supplement and side effects are not common, there are some cases where it may not be for everyone (due to pre-existing health conditions, allergies or mixed with medication).
These are the advised reasons you should not take collagen, but aside from that, it is safe to take regularly for as long as like. It can be taken during your entire adult life if you chose to do so without having to worry about any common side effects from extended use!
How long does it take for collagen to leave the body?
This can be difficult to determine, based on the fact that our bodies, up to a certain age, produce our own collagen therefore knowing how quickly collagen powder would take to leave the body is difficult to determine. If it can take up to 12 weeks for collagen supplements and powders to take an effect on the body, then again this does not help us, necessarily, pre-determine how long it will take for the collagen to leave the body when it is no longer being taken.
Collagen that is naturally produced or supplemented into the body will not be harmful to you, if not over-ingested, it can be highly beneficial for overall health, well-being and appearance; like we have previously mentioned.
Therefore, if you are worried about how long collagen powder would take to ‘leave’ the body once you finish or stop taking the supplement then there is no need to be. A safe amount of collagen is not known to cause harm to the body; so long as you have no allergies, pre-existing health concerns or mixing it with other medication. If you do fall into one of those categories, but you are taking collagen without consulting your GP first then we advise you to seek professional medical advice right away.
Collagen is considered a very safe supplement, but consulting with your medical professional beforehand is always advisable if you are uncertain of anything.
What happens if you take collagen for too long?
Once again collagen is considered a safe supplement that can be taken daily to help boost the body of vital proteins that we might produce less as we age; replenishing our amino acids and proteins in a healthy and controlled way. However, if you take too much collagen you might be putting yourself at risk of upsetting the balance of amino acids in your body. This can lead to headaches, digestive discomfort and even fatigue. That is why sticking to a sensible and recommended daily dosage is important.
This can occur after just a few months of taking collagen if you are not being mindful of your daily recommended dosage; it’s not known to happen with long-term collagen use so long as you are not overtaking your supplements. The right amount, A.K.A the daily recommended dosage, of any supplement can offer many health benefits even when taken for a long period. This includes collagen, as many people do end up taking it long-term and find no need to stop. Long-term collagen consumption has been known to help improve bone density, and complexion, as well as improve gut, muscle and joint health. It is generally very safe to take collagen long term so that you keep your dosage controlled and seek any medical advice should any unexpected side effects occur.
We hope we have answered all your collagen-related questions today to help clear up any confusion about how long you can take collagen and what can happen to the body should you stop. If you have any further questions, our experts are on hand over on our Instagram to help you out.