What Is an Acidophilus Good For?

Acidophilus may sound like the name of an ancient Greek god, but is in fact, a very common supplement taken by many on a daily basis. But what exactly is acidophilus and what does it do for your overall health and wellbeing? This will be the focus of today’s blog post, so stick around if you wanted to find out what acidophilus is good for.
What is Acidophilus?
Acidophilus, also known as, lactobacillus acidophilus, is a bacterium naturally found in different areas of the body, such as the intestine, mouth, and vagina. Often used as a popular strain of probiotics, acidophilus is known for delivering high amounts of good bacteria into the gut and benefit a variety of concerns. The most common use for acidophilus is to treat and calm vaginal inflammations, such as bacterial vaginosis, also known as BV, as well as digestive and gastrological problems. Here are some examples of the condition’s acidophilus can help target.
- Lung infections
Using this strain of probiotic will significantly reduce symptoms of children suffering from respiratory complaints and infections. Always check with a doctor before allowing your child to take any medication or supplements.
- Bacterial Vaginosis
This is the most common usage for acidophilus as it is proven to reduce and treat the symptoms quickly and effectively. You’ll find the inflammation is calmed and all other side effects are notably improved.
- Eczema
When acidophilus is used by expectant or breast-feeding mothers, it is found to reduce the risk of the child suffering from common flare-ups in eczema.
Much like many supplements it is best to consult with your GP before introducing anything into your daily routine. This will ensure you avoid any unwanted side effects and are remaining safe. Acidophilus is safe to use daily and you’ll find it’s common to suffer from side effects such as, bloating, constipation, thirst, and gas. These should only last short term, if they last longer, stop using the product and seek the advice of a medical professional.
What is the difference between probiotics and acidophilus?
You’ll find that the main difference between acidophilus and probiotics is the fact that probiotics are the collective name of the microbiomes found to be naturally occurring in the gut. Acidophilus is one of the most common strains of probiotics that many take as a daily supplement.
You’ll find that in our digestive system there are a great deal of microbiomes all of which are able to help with the function of the gut. From its ability to absorb nutrition and aid digestion. Here are some examples of the similarities between acidophilus and probiotics.
- Both acidophilus and probiotics are good bacteria found in the gut.
- Both play an important role at balancing and repopulating the gut with good bacteria in the digestive system.
- You’ll find both acidophilus and probiotics are found in fermented foods and yoghurts.
- Both are safe to be introduced into a daily routine and don’t cause any infection
- Acidophilus and probiotics both improve the gut’s overall health and function
Considering what the main difference are of acidophilus and probiotics, the easiest way to remember is, acidophilus is a strain of probiotics, whilst probiotics themselves are living microorganisms found in the gut and are vital for helping aid digestion and keeping your gut health stable.
Don’t forget, if you ever have any worries or concerns with using either probiotics or acidophilus, it’s best to consult with a doctor to ensure you are safe to use them in your daily routine.
How long does it take acidophilus to start working?
This may surprise some, but it can take acidophilus up to 2-3 weeks to start showing improvements. This is because the task at hand is not an easy, overnight fix. When you first introduce probiotics, they are not only increasing the number of good bacteria in the gut, but also decreasing the number of bad bacteria whilst simultaneously reducing any flare-up and inflammation in the gut.
The problem that many of us are unaware of is the fact that the gut is a lot more delicate than you originally think. Overgrowth of bad bacteria or inflammation is a common problem and can be caused by everyday occurrences such as fast food full of fats and sugars, lack of water, and stress. This does also mean that taking probiotics supplements needs to become a consistent habit as taking one capsule every other day will have little to no impact.
What are the signs you need probiotics?
Supporting your gut health is something that is not in the forefront of everyone’s minds, but it is responsible for several problems. Here are some signs you need to start introducing probiotics.
- You’ve recently completed a course of antibiotics. As effective as antibiotics are at ridding the body of infection, they certainly take no prisoners and will wipe out all types of bacteria, the good, the bad, and the ugly. To help restore balance into the gut, it is advised to start taking probiotics after completing your antibiotics.
- You’re suffering from a mixture of moods. If you find yourself feeling anxious, irritable, or depressed, taking probiotics will have a marked improvement on your mood. This is because there is a connection between gut health and brain function, a healthy gut means the neurotransmitters that control your mood are functioning properly and positively.
- Your immunity is too low. If you find you seem to have constant sniffle or your immune system seems weakened, introducing probiotics into your routine will give you a boost and improve your overall health and wellbeing.
There you have some signs you need probiotics, as I have previously mentioned, its best to consult with a doctor or medical professional before taking any supplements for peace of mind.
How much acidophilus should I take daily?
This can vary depending on the health condition you are hoping to treat with acidophilus. When taking this supplement, it is important to check the product and its dosage is the most suitable for your concerns. If you have any doubts, ensure you check with a doctor or medical professional. Many experts suggest starting by taking 1 as recommended on the packaging. Keep an eye on how you are feeling and if the common side effects of upset stomach, bloating, and abdominal discomfort continue seek the help from your GP.
There you have a little more information about acidophilus and what it’s good for. Don’t forget, if you have any more questions, you can come and follow us on Instagram.