What is B12 Vitamin Good For?

Vitamin B12 is one supplement that is considered one of the most important to incorporate into your daily routine. This is because the body doesn’t make vitamin B12 meaning the only source of obtaining the vitamin is through diet and supplements.
Maintaining a healthy diet that is full of foods rich in vitamin B12 can become quite difficult for those following vegan and vegetarian diet as it is thought that foods derived from animal sources contain the highest percentage of vitamin B12. Foods such as tempeh, shiitake mushrooms, and seaweed contain high levels of the b vitamin.
You’ll find that the liver is able to store vitamin B12 for over five years, if you do not continue to eat the right foods or take the best supplements you will find overtime you begin to have a vitamin B12 deficiency. If you are wanting to know more about the different forms of B vitamin supplements available, check out our blog post about B vitamin complex and how it benefits the body.
Now we have had a little refresher on vitamin B12 and how it works, we can move on to finding out more about what vitamin B12 is good for.
Does B12 make your hair grow?
Yes and no, this is only due to contrasting opinions about how effective the vitamin is for the overall health of your hair. Although some sources explain how vitamin B12 plays a vital role in supporting hair growth, others suggest that there isn’t significant evidence to prove this. Having said that, it is known that having deficiency in B12 can lead to hair loss. As a result of lacking the vitamin many find their hair to become brittle, can break easily, and cause thinning to the hair.
Many found that introducing vitamin B12 into their diet through food or supplements had a marked improvement on the overall health, appearance, and feel of their hair with many experiencing considerable hair growth after a matter of weeks.
The easiest way to ensure you are having enough vitamin B12 in your diet is to include sources such as dairy, meat, tempeh, and supplements. A word of warning, as natural as the supplement may appear, it is very important to consult with a doctor before introducing anything new into your diet to avoid any unwanted side effects.
Which vitamin is responsible for hair growth?
We have already discussed how vitamin B12 is beneficial for the health of your hair. But, there are a few vitamins that are responsible for hair growth, here are some examples of the most effective and what benefits you can expect to see when taking them.
Vitamin A
It is known that all cells need vitamin A to grow. Often thought to only benefit the skin, vitamin A can support hair growth by helping the skin of the scalp produce sebum, which is the natural oil found on the surface of the skin. This sebum helps keep the roots of the hair moisturised and nourished ensuring that the hair follicles are healthy and strong.
Vitamin C
For an antioxidant as powerful as vitamin C, you may not be surprised to hear that protecting the scalp from oxidative stress will prevent free radicals from causing long term damage, as well as blocking the growth of your hair. You will also find that vitamin C supports the creation of collagen which is one of the most important proteins that form the hair structure.
There you have some of the most effective vitamins that are responsible for hair growth. Don’t forget if you have any questions, you can ask the advice of a haircare professional.
Does B12 help with anxiety?
Absolutely, it has been proven time and again that those who eat B vitamin-rich foods see a significant improvement in controlling their anxiety and stress. Vitamin B12 is thought the most impactful vitamin and can have remarkable improvements when managing your moods. Not only does it lower the levels of anxiety and depression, vitamin B12 can help increase your ability to remain focused, improve concentration skills, and remember information more effectively.
Does B12 help you lose weight?
There is no evidence to conclude that introducing vitamin B12 into your diet will help you lose weight. There is no denying that B12 can help with your energy levels which leads to a boost in metabolism, but if it is weight loss you are after, it is best to follow a healthy, balanced diet and exercise regularly. This will help you remain at a healthy weight without falling into the trap of losing too much too quickly leading to a life of yo-yo dieting and weight gain.
What are the benefits and side effects of vitamin B12?
There are several benefits when using vitamin B12,
- Increases red blood cell formation
- Helps prevent conditions such as anemia
- Kick starts metabolism and delivers energy boost
- Supports healthy hair, nails, and skin
- Can improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety
- Supports bone health
- Prevents conditions such as osteoporosis worsening and developing
- May help prevent birth defects
- Supports brain development and function
There are also some side effects that are very common to experience when you first introduce vitamin B12 into your routine.
- Headaches
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Fatigue
- Weakness
- Diarrhoea
- Tingling sensation in feet and hands
These symptoms should not last longer than a few days, but if you find yourself suffering for more than a week, I suggest you stop taking your supplements and seek the help from your GP.
When should I take vitamin B12?
It is best to take vitamin B12 in the morning on an empty stomach before your breakfast. This is because the energy boosts the vitamin delivers is highly beneficial for the early part of the day. You will also find that because of this, taking vitamin B12 later than 3pm will affect your sleep.
There you have more information about vitamin B12 and what it’s good for, if you have any further questions, come, and find one of our health experts over on Instagram.