What is Chaga Good For?

What is Chaga Good For?

Chaga has been used for centuries to combat various health concerns. Fast forward a few years and there have been a few studies carried out to research further into the claims of this ancient mushroom.

Found growing in the cold, northern parts of the hemisphere chaga can be found on birch trees resembling something that looks like a burnt piece of charcoal. Inside this casing however, you’ll find the flesh of the mushroom is bright orange. Rich in nutrients and a wide variety of vitamins and minerals, you’ll be amazed to hear how many there.

Vitamins and minerals found in chaga

  • B-complex
  • Vitamin D
  • Amino acids
  • Fibre
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Zinc
  • Potassium

See what I mean? Pretty impressive, now let’s dive in to finding out more about chaga and what exactly it is good for.

What is chaga good for?

There are several benefits you can expect to see when using chaga daily, here are some examples of the variety of different concerns that can be targeted with the help from chaga.

  • Reduced oxidised stress on the skin

Oxidised stress is caused by a few different skin concerns, from wrinkles, sagging skin, uneven skin tone, and sun damage. All of which are a result of exposure to free radical damage, such as pollution, central heating, UV rays, and other environmental aggressors. Thankfully, chaga is packed with antioxidants ensuring the skin barrier remains strong, healthy, and able to protect itself from any further damage to the skin surface.

  • Helps to lower cholesterol

The antioxidants found in chaga are also able to reduce the low-density lipoprotein (LDL), also more commonly known as, “bad” cholesterol. This ensures there is a lower risk of heart disease as well as the added benefit of combating cardiovascular disease.

  • Helps to lower blood pressure

Just as oxidised stress effects cholesterol, but also blood pressure. The antioxidants found in chaga can help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk for those prone to heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular health issues.

  • Reduces inflammation

Certain conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis is one of the main concerns combated with chaga. Rich in anti-inflammatory properties chaga can help the body reduce the inflammation, as well as signs of depression due to it being a chronic inflammation.

  • Lowers blood sugar levels

Chaga is a favoured natural ingredient many who suffer with diabetes as it can lower blood sugar levels. Having said that, there are still ongoing studies that have yet to prove the full impact and benefit of chaga has on blood sugar levels. Therefore, you must consult with your doctor or a medical professional to ensure you are safe to use chaga in your daily routine.

There you have some examples of the benefits you can experience when taking chaga, as I have already mentioned always consult with a doctor before introducing any new ingredient to your daily routine and diet.

How much chaga should you drink a day?

It is important to remember to add chaga into your drinks slowly to ensure you avoid any unwanted side effects, such as upset stomachs. For tea bags containing chaga extract it is simply a case of following the instructions on the packaging. As for mushroom powder, it is often advised to start with one scoop in your choice of drink, be it tea or coffee, then increasing to as much as three throughout the day.

Many find that using this mushroom powder blend helps energise their days, with chaga tea stimulating them. Although it is completely caffeine free, the stimulation can be too much for some during the evening. If you find yourself having difficulty sleeping after drinking a chaga tea, try switching it to only drinking it during the day. Alternatively, you can still reap the rewards and see a difference in your wellbeing when drinking chaga every other day.

Does chaga make you poop?

Yes, it can make you poop, with high amounts of nutritional benefits, such as fibre and iron, chaga extract is often used to help to relieve constipation. Just ensure you are using the powder or tea bags in the correct way to avoid long-lasting negative side effects such as diarrhoea that can continue for too long and lead to dehydration.

Does chaga have side effects?

Yes, there are some side effects when it comes to taking chaga orally. Those who have bleeding disorders that require medicine must avoid taking chaga as this can alter the effectiveness of their medicine completely. It is also thought that due to the lack of research surrounding chaga extract and how they impact the body, those with kidney or liver problems must also avoid chaga.

As I have already mentioned, always ensure you check with your doctor before trying any new form of supplements, even ones as natural as chaga.

Can I take chaga every day?

Yes, you can, once you have built a tolerance for drinking chaga you can have up to three cups a day. Many find that the best time to have chaga is in the morning with their morning tea and coffee, the added boost will stimulate their energy levels and help by improving brain function and concentration throughout the day. Remembering of course to start by introducing the mushroom blend slowly into your routine to avoid unwanted side effects.  

Many find that drinking more than two cups a day will result in trouble sleeping. Alternating when you have chaga throughout your day will ensure you still reap the rewards.

How does chaga make you feel?

The overall opinion of chaga is how effective it is at improving your mood, boosting energy, and calming any flare-ups in anxiety and stress. This can’t be said for those who are suffering from hypoglycemia, known as a condition which your blood sugar levels are lower than normal and are lacking in glucose. For these people, chaga can often have the reverse effect and result in feeling weaker, confused, overly thirsty, and irritable.

If you wanted to know more about how chaga makes you feel, check out our dedicated blog post about whether chaga gets you high

There you have a little more information about chaga and what it’s good for. Don’t forget if you have any further questions about the benefits of chaga, come, follow us on Instagram, you’ll find one of our experts waiting to help in the direct messages.