What Is Lactobacillus Rhamnosus Good For?

What Is Lactobacillus Rhamnosus Good For?

Being able to understand and keep track of all of the species and strains of Lactobacillus can be near-impossible; especially as Lactobacillus is comprised of 170+ species and subspecies! Here on the Health Insiders Blog, we have managed to focus on several of the strains of Lactobacillus but we know there are still so many questions about which will have the best benefits and how to take them etc. Therefore, in today's post, we aim to answer more of your questions surrounding Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, including its benefits, how to take it and what it’s best for. If a healthy gut is something you would like support with, then this post may be ideal for your needs! Keep reading to find out why…

What are the benefits of taking Lactobacillus Rhamnosus?

Just like many other strains of Lactobacillus, it is a popular and widely used probiotic strain that can offer various health benefits. Lactobacillus rhamnosus can be found in many popular probiotics supplements that are on the market, which include our very own Wellgard probiotic supplements! Lactobacillus rhamnosus is believed to help in the prevention as well as easing of gastrointestinal infections, as well as help relieve discomfort with bowel-related concerns (diarrhoea and constipation). Furthermore, the benefits of taking Lactobacillus rhamnosus are also believed to help boost our overall immunity against bad bacteria or toxins found inside the body. 

Many women have also experienced benefits when it comes to their intimate and vaginal health; as a Lactobacillus strain combination (Lp, Lhr & BL) can help support a woman's vaginal flora. This blend of probiotic strains can help keep a women's intimate flora healthy and balanced for a healthy vagina; as an imbalance or ‘unhealthy’ flora could cause bacterial infections as well as affects a women's fertility and menstrual cycles. 

Can Lactobacillus be taken every day? 

It is advised that you take your probiotic supplement daily, there may be some instances where this may differ but that information should always be on your probiotics packaging. Although, you can expect the common rule of taking probiotics to be; one a day for as long as required. They are typically very safe and cause no side effects, therefore if you are experiencing any persistent stomach discomfort after a few days of beginning your probiotics then you may want to speak to your GP. It would be rare for anything serious to arise, so long as you do not have any underlying health conditions or you are already taking other prescription medication. 

How long does it take for Lactobacillus to work? 

Just like any probiotics supplement, it can take a couple of weeks to see any results but they may have begun working long before you feel or can even notice any changes. The live bacteria in each probiotics capsule will travel through your digestive system to reach your gut bacteria immediately to ensure it is balanced and supported. If you are considering taking a probiotics supplement to help with a bacterial infestation, like BV or yeast infection, then you can expect your imbalance and bacterial levels to rebalance usually within 14 days. Results depend heavily on how much your body needs the supplement; if your gut health is very off-balanced and causing several discomfort and pain then probiotics make take a little longer, The same with bacterial infections, the most advanced it is, the longer probiotics may take to work! There is no overnight cure, but probiotics are known to begin working to support gut health and vaginal flora promptly when ingested. 

Who needs Lactobacillus? 

Anybody who needs supporting their gut, digestive system or even their intimate flora can all benefit from Lactobacillus. Probiotic supplements are created for infants and children to help support the growth of friendly bacteria to ensure their gut flora is balanced and healthy. Then, of course, we have teens and adults who might also need Lactobacillus for similar digestive, gut and bowel support. In addition, women who need help with balancing their vaginal flora and balancing their gut bacteria might also need Lactobacillus; as an imbalance of bacteria can cause a list of health issues (relating to poor digestion, stomach discomfort, bowel obstruction and bacterial infections). 

Which Lactobacillus is best for Gut Health? 

The most effective probiotic supplements will have a high potency bio culture complex of various strains and species of Lactobacillus; to ensure their efficiency and effectiveness at targeting ‘bad’ bacteria from building up in the gut. One of the best probiotic strains for gut health is Lactobacillus Acidophilus as it can balance potentially harmful bacteria that could otherwise grow in the gut leading to severe health issues. In addition, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus is another very popular strain of probiotic that is believed to be highly beneficial for balancing gut bacterial levels as well as supporting a woman's vaginal flora.  It is important to keep the gut’s bacteria healthy and balanced as it can cause prominent stomach upset as well as digestion issues and bowel obstructions if bacteria is not balanced. You will find that most probiotics on the market will have a combination of cultures (live bacteria) that will work together to support your overall gut health efficiently as well as safely! 

That is it for another Health Insiders Post, be sure to keep an eye on our blog as we will be posting regularly to help answer all your questions surrounding probiotics, gut health and general wellbeing. You can also connect with us on our Instagram and make sure to turn on that notification bell so you know the second we post about any new deals, offers or exciting new launches!