Who Should Not Take Turmeric?

We have spoken about turmeric and its benefits before, its popularity has sky-rocketed in recent years, with various forms of supplements available, some of which are remarkably tasty and able to fit into your daily lifestyle.
If you are wondering what exactly turmeric is, this next part is for you, if you already have a good understanding of turmeric, you can skip to the next section and find out more about who should not take turmeric.
What is turmeric?
- Turmeric is a common spice used regularly in Asian cooking, fabric dyeing, cosmetics, ancient medication, as well as formulated into various supplements.
- Contains compounds called curcumin and work as an anti-inflammatory making it an ideal ingredient for those suffering from osteoarthritis.
- Turmeric can also help with hay fever, signs of depression, high cholesterol, and liver disease.
- Packed with antioxidants to combat free radical exposure and damage, such as UV light, pollution, and other environmental aggressors.
- Evidence of curcumin working as brain food, helping to penetrate the blood-brain barrier, and working to protect against symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.
- If you wanted to find out more about turmeric, you can check out our dedicated blog post.
Can you take if you take blood pressure medicine?
Not really, only because it is known that high doses of turmeric can affect your blood pressure and lower the blood sugar levels. This means people taking blood pressure medicine and those with diabetes should introduce turmeric into their routine after receiving all clear from your doctor or GP.
If you are expecting to have surgery, it is also advisable to avoid taking turmeric supplements before and after your procedure to limit the risk of bleeding.
Does turmeric interact with blood pressure medicine?
Yes, turmeric can have interactions with blood pressure medicine. Turmeric can also interact with other medication, such diabetes drugs, blood thinners, painkillers, and aspirin. You will also find that turmeric can also work against other natural supplements, such as ginger, garlic, and ginkgo, all of which are designed to prevent clotting. Therefore, it is very important to consult with your doctor before introducing a supplement into your daily routine.
Is turmeric bad for kidneys?
Yes, one of the side effects of turmeric is the increased risk of developing kidney stones. This is due to turmeric containing oxalates, the way this work is by increasing the chances of calcium in the body binding together and forming into kidney stones. The body naturally tries to rid itself of an oxalate build-up, however, most people have between 200 to 300 mg of oxalates daily and this amount can become higher depending on the diet you can or food you consume that day, some foods that contain the highest levels of oxalates are.
- Spinach- As healthy and packed with nutrients spinach also contains a lot of oxalates, half a cup for example, contains, 755mg.
- Raspberries – raspberries are not the only fruit to contain oxalates, but they do have the highest volume reaching 48mg per cup.
- Potatoes- one single baked potato will contain 97mg of oxalates which is mainly found in the skin.
- Almonds- one once, or around 22 nuts contain 112mg of oxalates.
- Dates- dried dates consumption should be moderate, due to the high sugar levels, you’ll also find one date alone contains about 24mg of oxalates.
There you have some examples of the food to remain mindful of when you are trying to limit the number of oxalates, especially if you are taking turmeric supplements.
Can kidney patients take turmeric?
Yes, they can, but only if the turmeric supplement is taken the correct way. It is possible to have too much of a good thing, and consuming high dosages of curcumin can be bad for your kidneys. One risk is developing kidney stones as turmeric will increase the levels of urinary oxalate in the body binding calcium together and forming kidney stones and other problems.
If you have an already existing problem with your kidneys, or wish to improve their health by introducing supplements, it is vital you seek the advice of a health care professional to provide the best information for you. It is also important you remember the negative side effects of turmeric, such as.
- Mild stomach upset
- Acid reflux
- Diarrhoea
- Dizziness
- Headaches and migraines
- Development of kidney stones or gallstones
You may also find that iron supplements may become ineffective due to turmeric preventing them from absorbing into the body. Not forgetting the other medications, I have previously mentioned that can have a negative interaction, such as blood thinners, antibiotics, and diabetes medication.
Is turmeric safe for heart patients?
Yes, turmeric is thought safe for heart patients. There are studies demonstrating how because of its ability to reduce inflammation and limit the exposure of oxidised stress to the body, all these traits combined help to reverse the damage caused by heart disease, with some patients noticing an improvement for over 12 weeks.
You will also find that turmeric is a powerful ingredient to combine with other medications when managing your cholesterol levels, thanks to the extracts of curcumin found in turmeric.
Although, as suggested, there are various evidence proving the safety of turmeric for heart patients, it is still of the upmost importance you consult with your doctor before taking turmeric supplements. This is because everyone is different and your condition may not benefit from the addition of turmeric, therefore you avoid unwanted side effects.
If consuming supplements that come in capsule form is something you’d prefer to avoid, there are other ways of incorporating your supplement into your diet, such as using the spice as a seasoning for food. Noticeable improvements have been recorded with an overall health boost being a result of cooking with turmeric, some of the most popular recipes are,
- Golden milk- this is a milk type of your choice slowly warmed with turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, and black pepper. You can find our recipe for this over on our Instagram page.
- Soups
- Scrambled eggs
- Baking, such as breads, muffins, and cakes
- Roasted vegetables
- Cooking sauces
There you have a little more information about turmeric and who should not take it. Don’t forget to come and follow us on Instagram for more.