Why Is Glucosamine Bad for You?

Glucosamine is a popular supplement known for targeting some of the largest health complaints many experiences. With minimal side effects, and optimal results, it’s no wonder the popularity of this supplement has increased in recent years. But exactly is glucosamine? And how does it work on the skin?
What is glucosamine?
- Naturally occurring in the body as a compound found in cartilage and works as one of the vital building blocks in the body.
- There are several forms of glucosamine, such as glucosamine sulfate, glucosamine hydrochloride and N-acetyl glucosamine.
- Used by many who suffer from osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis to help provide pain relief, especially if the concern is in the knees.
- When formulated in a lab glucosamine is developed using shells of shellfish.
- Having glucosamine as a supplement may result in some side effects, such as nausea, heartburn, diarrhoea, and constipation. All of which can clear up on their own accord.
- Glucosamine supplements are known to worsen asthma, so ensure you consult with your doctor before you introduce anything new into your routine.
- If you wanted to find out more about glucosamine and how it benefits the body, check out our dedicated blog post.
Now we have had a recap of what glucosamine is and its benefits we can now move on to finding out why glucosamine is bad for you.
Who should not take glucosamine?
Glucosamine is considered safe for many to use in their daily diet. However, there is an ongoing amount of studies continuing to be carried out. This is mainly to do with the inconclusive evidence demonstrating whether glucosamine supplements deliver results.
As for knowing those who should not take glucosamine, the main people who should avoid it are,
- Those pregnant or breastfeeding.
- Those who suffer from type 2 diabetes, although the risk of side effects is low, it is still vital you speak to your doctor first.
- Anyone who has a family history or individually suffers from glaucoma.
- Anyone over the age of 60 must consult with a doctor before consuming glucosamine supplements.
- Anyone with a history is currently suffering from heart disease or high blood pressure.
- Anyone with an allergy to shellfish due to the ingredients used in formulations. It is still possible to try glucosamine, it’s simply a case of finding a product that is suitable for vegans or vegetarians.
If you find yourself suffering with any of the mentioned side effects, and are unaware of any underlining issues, it may be a result of having an allergic reaction. If this occurs, stop taking the supplement and seek the advice of a medical professional.
What are the 5 worst foods to eat if you have arthritis?
Arthritis is one of the most common health conditions involving chronic inflammation. Osteoarthritis is noninflammatory which 40% of men and 47% women are diagnosed with the problem during their lifetime. With these concerns being as common as they are, there is constant research being carried out to find the best solutions. For many, it is a case of keeping an eye on what eat and knowing which foods you need to avoid when suffering from arthritis. Here are some examples of the 5 worst foods to eat if you have arthritis.
- Foods with added sugar
It has been proven that those who drink beverages containing high levels of fructose-sweetener are 3 times likely to experience a flare-up in arthritis. And it isn’t just the drinks, you should also limit the number of foods you have containing added sugars such as sweets, ice cream and fizzy drinks. You must also remain mindful that it isn’t just sweet things that have added sugars, condiments such as barbecue sauce and tomato ketchup are also culprits to containing high levels of sugar.
- Foods with high levels of salt
Studies have shown that those with a low sodium diet suffer from less cartilage breakdown and lower risk of inflammation. Foods that contain high levels of salt, such as canned soups, processed meals, certain cheeses, and processed meats, even something as common as pizza all contain a lot of salt. When limiting the amount of salty food consumed you will reduce chances of inflammation and keep joints healthy and glucosamine levels high.
- Foods containing vegetables oils
It is understood that having a good diet requires the omegas. However, having too much omega-6 fats and too little omega-3 fats will create too much of an imbalance resulting in inflammation and discomfort for the joints. The easiest way to counteract this is by upping your intake of healthy fatty fish rich in omega-3 fats and limiting your intake of omega-6 that is found in vegetables oil.
- Alcohol
Alcohol is one of the worse things to consume if you suffer from arthritis. This is due to the increase of inflammations found when alcohol is consumed with a strong link connected to arthritis and osteoarthritis flare-ups as well as any concerns with gout. Limiting your alcohol intake will have a significant impact on the severity of your arthritis and other inflammatory conditions.
- Processed and red meats
There has been evidence demonstrating the connection between consuming red meats and flare-up of arthritis and other inflammations. This is because processed and red meats contain high levels of inflammatory compounds such as interleukin, C-reactive protein, and homocysteine. By making the swap to have vegetarian or vegan meals at least once a week will have a hugely impactful result on arthritis symptoms.
There are some foods that are rich in anti-inflammatory properties and many experts suggest including them in your diet, these are.
- Berries
- Avocados
- Fatty fish such as salmon and herring
- Broccoli
- Dark chocolate or cocoa
If you are wanting to get on top of figuring what flares-up your arthritis, many experts suggest making a food diary when you note down everything you consume every day for a week. If you find yourself having a flare-up one day, make note of what you ate, and this should help you figure out which food it is that caused the problem.
Does glucosamine rebuild cartilage?
Yes, glucosamine has been proven to prevent the breakdown of glucosamine as well as repairing any existing damaged caused to the cartilage.
To determine how effective the glucosamine supplement you take you must remember some factors will interfere with how these vitamins will deliver the best results. Family history, your general health, the quality of your supplements, and form of glucosamine used.
There you have more information about glucosamine and whether it is bad for you. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any further questions, you’ll find one of our health experts over on our Instagram.