Do Probiotics Actually Work?
The popularity of probiotics has grown so rapidly over recent years, so much so, you can now find different strains of them in your yoghurts, cereals, cosmetics, and bedding. Yes, we are well and truly obsessed with probiotics. The question is, are they as effective as they claim to be? Are they able to deliver results? And do probiotics actually work? Well, let’s find out the answer to all of this together!
The thing about probiotics, is that it’s all to do with bacteria, the good, the bad and the ugly. There are an extensive number of ecosystems of bacteria residing in the body most of which, 39 trillion to be exact, are in the large intestine and the gut. With decades of research, it has been proven that this bacteria is essential for your general health. By ensuring the microbiome of the gut remains balanced and healthy will have a notably impact on your skin, body, and mind. But this cannot be the answer for everyone due to the fact we all have different bacteria strains in our bodies as how healthy our lifestyle plays an important role in how our guts work effectively.
Are probiotics actually effective?
Yes, they are, the only trouble you may encounter is that sadly, there are a great deal of products available claiming to contain effective probiotic formulations, when sadly that isn’t the case. There are several different factors that can result in probiotics being unable to work effectively for you.
- The product contains the incorrect dose
- You are using the wrong strain, not all strains combat the symptoms so it’s best to check you are using the correct one.
- There are not enough live cultures in the probiotic. The potency of probiotics can deteriorate rapidly and must remain active when it reaches the stomach to deliver results.
- You are not storing your product correctly, probiotics dislike humidity and heat so ensure you check the label and store them correctly.
- You are taking them incorrectly, it is considered best to ingest probiotics on an empty stomach, either in the morning or last thing at night before bed.
If you find that you have followed everything listed above and find your probiotics are still not having an effect, then I would suggest consulting with your doctor or GP.
What happens to your body when you start taking probiotics?
When you first introduce probiotics into your daily routine you may find you suffer from the following digestive symptoms.
- Gas
- Bloating
- Diarrhea
- Discomfort of the abdomen
Any of these are usually a sign of the good bacteria in the probiotics making their way into the stomach. They then set to work regulating, rebalancing, and maintaining the health of the microbiome of the gut.
These are very common side effects to experience and are said to subside in a few days or weeks’ time. However, should you experience these for any an extended amount of time you must stop taking your product and seek the help from your doctor or GP.
What is the downside to taking probiotics?
Generally speaking, introducing probiotics into your daily routine often has a positive outcome with little to no side effects. Having said that, as I have already mentioned some find that some side effects can occur. The most common being bloating, constipation, gas, and dehydration. It is often those with a considerably poor diet that is lacking in right nutrition that suffer from the any, or all of the common side effects.
Are probiotics a waste of money?
Yes and no, for those who are in poor health, follow an unhealthy lifestyle and lack basic nutrition will benefit immensely from introducing probiotics into their daily routines. As for adults who lead a balanced and healthy life with no symptoms of poor health or concerns it is considered that probiotics wouldn’t provide any benefit. This however doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t ever need to introduce probiotics into your routine. The gut’s microbiome can become imbalanced very easily so remaining connected with how you are feeling will help you motor your day-to-day health and wellbeing.
Should you take a break from probiotics?
Yes, it is perfectly safe to take a short break from taking probiotics if you wish to. If you have been taking probiotics for a while, consider taking a break from your daily intake of probiotics to give yourself a better idea of the status your body and health are at. During your break make a note of any considerable changes you see and feel as this will help you establish if the probiotic product you are taking is working as effectively as you require it to be.
Should I take probiotics every day?
Yes, it’s safe and very much recommended to take probiotics every day. There are a few exceptions to this rule, but all in all a daily intake of probiotics will lead to you seeing fast result as consistency is key to reaping the rewards of introducing this supplement on a daily basis. Remembering of course that probiotics are a natural supplement and not a form of medication, it is still important to consult with your doctor or other medical professional before taking probiotics to avoid any unwanted reactions.
When is the best time to take probiotics?
It is thought that the most effective way of taking probiotics is on an empty stomach, this ensures the good bacteria are able to make their way into the gut quickly without having to compete with anything, such as partly digested food. The best time to take probiotics are either in the morning before breakfast, or late in the evening before bed a few hours after you have eaten. If you find yourself taking your probiotics at the wrong time you won’t cause any damage, it’ll just result with you seeing any benefits meaning the probiotics taking longer to work.
So, there you have a little more information about probiotics and how they work. If you are wanting to know how long it will take to see how long it will take for probiotics to work, check out our dedicated blog post. Don’t forget to come and join us over on our Instagram too!