How long does it take for a collagen supplement to work?

How long does it take for a collagen supplement to work?

How long does it take for collagen supplements to work?

Like most supplements, in order to see the benefits of taking a collagen supplement it is recommended that you consistently try the peptide supplement daily over a period of time. How long it takes until you start to notice a difference from taking collagen depends entirely on the individual, their lifestyles and environmental factors.

Lifestyle Factors:

  • Exposure to the sun and other pollutants
  • Dietary habits
  • Smoking and alcohol consumption
  • Lack of sleep
  • Not drinking enough water
  • No skincare routine
  • Not wearing SPF frequently enough
  • Absence of regular exercise

Genetic Factors

  • The rate of which your collagen breaks down in the body
  • Your skins ability to keep moisture
  • The speed of which your cells regenerate
  • How fast your skin recovers from skin damage and wounds

How long should I take collagen supplements for?

There is no real time period for how long you should take a collagen peptide supplement for, it is completely safe to continue to take your collagen on a daily basis even after you begin to see the benefits from taking it regularly.

Studies suggest that most people begin to see benefits from it after taking 1 serving (13g) per day between 4-12 weeks.

How much collagen should I be taking?

Upon our own research and findings we found that anything up to 15 grams of collagen supplement per day is a good amount. Our collagen supplement serving size is 13 grams – which makes it just the right amount!

Collagen is arguably one of the most significant proteins in the human body. It is found in our skin, , bones, teeth, tendons, ligaments, organs, muscles and blood vessels.  

Can I take too much collagen?

Collagen as a supplement is generally considered a safe daily supplement for individuals and most people won’t get any side effects from taking it on a daily basis with their morning coffee or smoothie.

There have been no known reports on severe side effects from taking collagen regularly. However, if you do experience any side effects we strongly recommend that you speak with a medical professional straight away.

Does collagen help hair grow faster?

Yes, by upping your daily collagen intake by supplementation,  you are increasing your chances to accelerate hair growth and overall condition!

When looking to boost your skins elasticity ,this also applies to your scalp – the dermal layer where your hair follicles are exposed to damage from day to day life, which can lead to hair loss, breakage and thinning.

Will taking collagen help with joint pain?

Yes, collagen supplementation has been known to help many with joint pain. Joint discomfort can happen at any age in our adult life.  Collagen helps to keep the integrity of your cartilage – the rubber like tissue that protects you joints.

As we age, the amount of collagen we produce slows down by about 1% per year, which of course leads to an increased risk of osteoporosis and arthritis. However, by incorporating a collagen supplement into your daily routine early on, you may well lower the chances of suffering from joint pain and issues that may arise either from ageing or exercising hard regularly.

Will collagen help promote weight loss?

In order to achieve weight loss, your daily expenditure of calories burnt through exercise and day to day living needs to be more than the calories that you are consuming. This is also known as a calorie deficit. By adding collagen into your daily routine if you are already in a calorie surplus, you will not lose weight just by adding collagen into your diet.

When looking to lose weight adding collagen into your daily routine can be beneficial but only if you are consuming less food and exercising more. Collagen supplements are mostly made up of protein, which is known to be satiating, thus making you feel fuller for longer which may reduce the feeling of being hungry.

If you are seeking medical advice in relation to any collagen supplementation, please seek advice from a medically trained professional or doctor.