What Does Probiotics Do for a Woman?

What Does Probiotics Do for a Woman?

It may seem a little confusing that the idea of taking probiotics can be extremely beneficial with feminine intimate health. This is mainly because you have probably heard countless times about how probiotics are able to help with your gut. Having said that, there are millions of different types of probiotics available with a selection of highly effective strains able to target any concerns, such as urinary tract infection, vaginal yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis, as well as simply rebalancing the microbiome.  

If you are wanting to know more about women’s probiotics, check out our blog post about how do women’s probiotics help, over on The Health Insiders!

Should a woman take probiotics every day?

Yes, it is generally considered to take probiotics every day. Just ensure you are safe to do so by checking with your doctor or gynaecologist, purely for peace of mind that you are using the correct strain of good bacteria for your concerns.

Since probiotics are a natural supplement and not a medicine, you will be able to take probiotics daily which will keep the gut in its healthiest state and you improving your overall well-being. An imbalance of the gut’s flora can occur more frequently than you would think. With exposure to environmental aggressors, such as processed foods and stress, any of these can knock the microbiome off kilter causing you such concerns as, uncomfortable gas, bloating and other intimate problems I have already mentioned. So, to counteract this take your probiotics supplements on a daily basis and over the course of 4 weeks you see and feel marked improvement.

What are the signs you need probiotics?

There is an extensive number of signs that show you are in need of introducing probiotics into your daily routine. Here are some of the most common signs and concerns to look out for.

  • Gastrointestinal issues- This can range from a variety of severity, starting with bloating, gas, diarrhea and constipation to IBS, inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn’s Disease.
  • Regular and recurring flare-ups in urinary tract and yeast infections.
  • Skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, and rosacea.
  • A recent dose of antibiotics- as effective as they are at combating infections, they are known for killing off all forms of bacteria, even the good ones.
  • Food allergies or sensitivity to certain food groups.
  • Depression and anxiety can also be helped with a daily intake of probiotics.

There you have the most common signs you need probiotics, remember once you have established you should introduce this boost of good bacteria to the gut, you can help this by making some minor lifestyle changes to give you quicker results. The swaps I’m referring to are.

  • Reducing weekly alcohol intake
  • Increasing the number of green vegetables and wholemeal grains etc into your diet
  • Drinking 2litres of water every day
  • Reducing the amount of caffeine
  • Stop eating overly processed foods and reducing amount of salt in your diet

Don’t panic, I don’t mean for you to have a complete lifestyle change that lasts forever but trying this for the minimum of 4 weeks will have a huge improvement on your general health and give your probiotics a helping hand in kick-starting their benefits.

Do probiotics cause weight gain?

Yes and no, this is very much dependant on the strain of probiotics you are using. There are many studies showings how one strain, called Lactobacillus gasseri, can help reduce weight gain when used correctly with a controlled, healthy diet. It is still unsure which other strains of probiotics are able to with this concern, many of which actually resulting in the opposite effect and increase weight gain. This is why, if weight and concerns with obesity are the main reasons for wanting to take probiotics you must consult with a doctor before introducing any into your daily routine.

How long does it take for probiotics to work?

The short answer to this is 2 to 3 weeks. This is the best amount of time for you to start noticing significant improvement of you reaping the rewards when taking probiotics. You’ll find that any uncomfortable bloating and gas is reduced, inflammations have calmed, and your gut will once again contain the correct number of good bacteria. The longer answer is, you will see improvement in every aspect, from gut health, intimate health, skin, and hair. Yes, the possibilities are endless when it comes to benefiting from probiotics, which is probably why so many people continue to take them once they have found the formula that works for them.

What are the best probiotics for a woman?

There are two types of probiotics that considered best for women to take to combat vaginal infections and other intimate concerns.

  • Lactobacillus/ Bifidobacter based probiotics

These are the most used probiotic strains and are known to provide the most effective results in gut and vaginal health. This is because they do not colonise in the gut, meaning they are able to make their way into other areas and deliver results.

  • Saccharomyces boulardii

This particular strain is known for helping with all forms of yeast infections making it highly effective for women’s health. Just be sure to take this potent collection of bacteria correctly to avoid any unwanted side effects. You will also find you are able to get relieve from any problems concern intestinal problems such as diarrhea.

Do probiotics get rid of smell?

Yes, if you have any concerns with intimate smell then taking probiotics will help combat the problem. Probiotics are packed with good bacteria that provide impressive support for entire body. With even the slightest imbalance the vagina’s pH levels can cause several problems, from thrush to unwanted odour, luckily a daily intake of probiotics will support, rebalance, and calm the problem keeping everything harmonious and in its healthiest state.

However, should you find that even after taking probiotics for over 4 weeks and you have found there is no improvement, you should seek the help from your GP or gynaecologist.

So, there you have a little more information about what probiotics do for a woman. Don’t forget to come and follow us over on the Wellgard Instagram, and if you have any questions, send us a direct message.