Why Do I Keep Getting BV?
Here on the Health Insiders blog, we have spent the last several days honing in on the topic of Bacterial Vaginosis; what can cause it, how long it can take to treat and even explored the reasons that it keeps coming back. We have spent a lot of time making sure that all of your most pressing questions have been answered even though we have noticed there may still be a little confusion regarding how you can treat recurring or chronic BV! It can be both a nuisance and physically tiresome to have to deal with Bacterial Vaginosis repeatedly. Unfortunately, if you do manage to clear up the infection it may even return within 2-3 months. Bacterial Vaginosis can be difficult to completely clear up, especially if you are unknowingly contributing to your infection. That is why we wanted to use today's blog post to round up everything we have discussed related to chronic BV to ensure you know how to stop it from becoming a recurring problem as well as what you can do in terms of prevention for the long-term.
How can I stop recurring BV?
Everything we are about to mention, regarding treating and preventing recurring BV, has been discussed in previous blog posts. However, we wanted to echo these points as these are the best ways to ensure you are not contributing to your bacterial disruption thus leading to recurring BV…
- Do not sit in damp, sweaty or unbreathable clothes and underwear as this type of environment allows ‘bad’ bacteria to thrive thus increasing your risk of BV.
- When sexually active use a condom to prevent any bacteria ‘exchange’ disrupting your intimate flora and unbalancing your pH; even with the same or multiple sexual partners.
- Pay attention to your vaginal hygiene but remember that it is self-cleaning so a little warm water is all you need to keep it clean.
- Avoid any scented or fragranced products like intimate sprays, soaps or wipes as these can make your pH more acidic and affect your ‘healthy’ intimate bacteria.
- Make sure you are looking after your mental health as stress can also affect your vagina's natural pH, increasing your risk of recurring BV.
- Take suitable daily probiotics to ensure you are taking preventive measures as well as treatment for BV to stop a re-infection in its tracks.
While it can be tricky to determine the exact cause of your Bacterial Vaginosis, as it could be a combination of the above, if you remember the above points mentioned and stick to them as best as you can, then you should notice your vaginal health greatly improve. The right environment for a healthy vagina is one with a balanced pH, un-habitable for ‘harmful’ bacteria and kept from too much bacterial disruption. A healthy vagina requires minimal effort and with a daily probiotic (for women) it can be even easier to ensure you are supporting and maintaining healthy vaginal flora.
Why do I keep getting BV with the same partner?
If you are aware of the above causes and triggers of recurring BV, but still getting BV regularly then your sexual activity might be playing a part in throwing off your intimate bacteria's natural balance. You might only be sexually active with one partner but that does not exclude you from the possibility of your intimate health being hindered; sexual intercourse can unbalance your stable bacteria in the vagina that could then trigger a bacterial infection like BV as a result of unprotected sex. This can be, a nuisance, but using a condom during sexual activity with your partner or multiple partners is the best way to ensure that your intimate bacteria is protected and does not become destabilised thus triggering an increased risk of contracting Bacterial Vaginosis!
Is there a permanent cure for Bacterial Vaginosis?
Bacterial Vaginosis can be cured, even if it is persistent or chronic BV; it can be cleared up! You can get prescribed antibiotics to help treat more severe or chronic cases of Bacterial Vaginosis There are also antibiotic gels and vaginal treatment creams that can be applied directly in and near the vagina to help stabilize ‘unfriendly’ bacteria that could be overpopulating your vaginal flora. Whilst these forms of treatment can be effective at curing Bacterial Vaginosis, they are not very suitable for long-term use. You do not want to take oral medication or apply topical gels every day to help prevent chronic or recurring BV! There are no permanent cures to eliminate your risk of ever contracting BV ever again, but there is some good news in the way of reducing your risk and supporting your intimate health over a longer period...
Can probiotics help reduce my risk of Chronic BV?
You can take a suitable daily probiotic to help keep your intimate bacterial balanced as well as your pH to limit your chances of contracting chronic BV. If a probiotic supplement is something that you might like to consider as a long-term solution to help manage and support your intimate health & bacteria then we will include a direct link to our blog post titled: Can I get rid of BV by taking probiotics? Here you can find an arrangement of information that covers the best ‘type’ of probiotics for curing BV and how it can work to ensure your risk of chronic BV is significantly decreased.
Therefore, to clarify yes a probiotic supplement can help reduce your risk of chronic BV as it can help keep your vagina healthy, pH balanced and 'harmful' bacteria neutralised!
Here on our blog we have many helpful posts all relating to the topic of Bacterial Vaginosis; covering everything from causes to prevention. All of these posts are live on our Health Insider Blog for you to read through if and when needed. If you do have any personal or further questions about BV then you can DM one of our experts on Instagram who will aim to get back to you within 48 hours.