Health Insiders

What Is Lactobacillus Rhamnosus Good For?
Being able to understand and keep track of all of the species and strains of Lactobacillus can be near-impossible; especially as Lactobacillus is comprised of 170+ species and subspecies! Here on the Health Insiders Blog, we have managed to focus...
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What Foods To Avoid While Taking Probiotics?
It can be difficult to know if there are any limitations to your diet when you begin taking any new supplement, as several unhealthy foods can decrease their effectiveness and this can also happen when taking probiotics. The general rule of...
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What Foods Contain Lactobacillus Reuteri?
You may have caught our previous Health Insiders Blog Post that began to list several foods containing “good” bacteria like Yoghurt and sourdough. Still, we wanted to follow up on the discussion in today's post and take an even deeper...
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How Do You Get Lactobacillus?
It might be a little uncomfortable to imagine but, our bodies are full of bacteria (“good” and “bad”) all serving an important function to aid in our overall health and well-being. Without a healthy balance of bacteria, our body would...
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